PHP-Fusion Readme


Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Nick Jones
Version: 6.01.1 - Released: June 2006
1. Introduction
PHP-Fusion is a light-weight open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP. It utilises a mySQL database to store your site content and includes a simple, comprehensive adminstration system. PHP-Fusion includes the most common features you would expect to see in many other CMS packages.

PHP-Fusion is released under the terms and conditions of version 2 of the GNU General Public License. For further information please visit or refer to the gpl.txt file included in the distribution package. You may alter the code in any way you wish and redistribute it either as is or containing your own modifications. We would appreciate it if you retained the "Powered by PHP-Fusion" footer copyright notice. We feel this is fair when you consider the many hundreds of hours of work that continues to go into the development of this project. However, if you do remove the footer copyright notice please consider making a donation via Paypal.

2. Installation
  1. Upload the contents of the php-files folder to your server.
  2. Rename blank_config.php to config.php.
  3. CHMOD the following files & folders to 777:
    • administration/db_backups/
    • images/
    • images/imagelist.js
    • images/articles/
    • images/avatars/
    • images/news/
    • images/news_cats/
    • images/photoalbum/
    • images/photoalbum/submissions/
    • forum/attachments/
    • config.php
  4. Goto your website and run setup.php e.g.
  5. Complete the setup process by following all on-screen prompts.
  6. CHMOD config.php back to 644 AND delete setup.php from your server.
3. Upgrade from v6.00.1xx, v6.00.2xx or v6.00.3xx
Before upgrading we strongly recommend that you backup your site and your database. During the upgrade process your photogallery database tables will be renamed. You can import your old photo albums and photos into the new gallery by using our photo converter infusion available from Please note that this release contains a number of structural changes and some elements may not work properly until you have updated all of your files.
  1. Upload upgrade.php from upgrade folder relevant to your current version to the administration folder on your server.
  2. Login to your site as the Super Administrator and click Upgrade via admin.
  3. Follow all on-screen prompts until you see "Database upgrade complete".
  4. Upload the contents of the php-files folder to your server.
  5. Ensure the following folders and files are CHMODed 777:
    • images/photoalbum/submissions/
    • images/news_cats/ (v6.00.1x only)
    • images/imagelist.js (v6.00.1x only)
4. Security tips
Here are some useful tips to help keep your site secure:
  • Ensure config.php is not writable (should be CHMODed to 644).
  • Never leave setup.php on your server once PHP-Fusion is installed.
  • Always ensure your FTP and MySQL passwords are different.
  • Never allow forum attachments such as php, html, exe, or any type of text file.
5. Support sites
If you have any questions or problems regarding PHP-Fusion, please visit the main development site at and post a message on our forums. Alternatively you can visit our IRC chat support channel at

PHP-Fusion can be expanded by adding Infusions, these are plugins which are extremely easy to install. You can find a variety of useful Infusions on our mod site at

If you are not satisfied with PHP-Fusion's bundled themes you may want to visit our official theme site at where you will find a variety of high quality themes.

PHP-Fusion also has a number of official foreign language support sites based in Arabia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Taiwan, and Turkey
6. Acknowledgements
Thanks to the following for their additional work:

Shedrock - Additional Themes and administration icons
Janmol - Market research & additional design concepts
KEFF - For silly ideas that aren't actually silly!
Rayxen - Additional code & mods
Sheldon - Tech support & additional hosting

3rd Party Scripts:
TinyMCE v2.0.6.1 - A HTML WYSIWYG editor by Moxiecode.
PHPMailer - A sendmail class with SMTP support by Brent R. Matzelle.
HTTPDownload - A download handler class by Nguyen Quoc Bao.